200 Running Pump Road, Lancaster, PA 17603 | (717)-299-5631 | frontdesk@rcwathleticclub.com
Adult Programs
RCW adult clinics provide just the right mix of energy, instruction, repetition, fed-ball drills, and live-ball drills. All clinics are open to members and nonmembers (additional $10 guest fee/visit). In order to provide all players the best experience, we kindly ask that clinic participants follow the USTA rating guidelines that have been set for each clinic. Scroll down to learn more about our options for adults.

2.0-2.5 Beginning Levels Clinics
Mondays 10:30-11:30am
(Stay and play option 11:30am-12pm)
N2T Clinic
Tuesdays 6pm-7:30pm
*intended for players that completed a New to Tennis Series or any "advanced beginner" tennis player
3.0-3.5 Intermediate Clinics
Mondays 9:00-10:30am
(Stay and play option 10am-10:30am)
Mondays 7:30pm-9pm
Wednesdays (strictly 3.5) 6pm-7:30pm
Thursdays 10am-11:00am
(Stay and play option 11am-11:30am)
Sundays 8:30am-10am
4.0+ Advanced Clinics
Tuesdays 10am-11:30am
Thursdays 6pm-7:30pm
(4.5+, contact Ben Zink at benzink@rcwathleticclub.com)
Fridays 10am-11:30am
Arranged Match Play
4.0+ Men's Doubles
Mondays 6pm-7:30pm
Email benzink@rcwathleticclub.com to be added to the weekly "invite" list!
Email benzink@rcwathleticclub.com or register on the member portal to sign up
2.5-3.5 Men's Doubles
Tuesdays 7:30pm-9pm
Email benzink@rcwathleticclub.com to be added to the weekly "invite" list!

Quickly becoming one of our more popular services and programs started at the club, our Organized Singles Matchplay is just as it sounds-- we pair up similarly-leveled players for fun, competitive tennis matchplay. Whether you're looking to improve your singles game (or even just you tennis game in general!), meet new players, or add in some more exercise during the week, this could be a great option for you! Commitment level is low - play when you're available, and as often as you'd like. Cost is just right - simply split court time and a can of balls, no additional cost to participate in the program! Feedback is great!
"Great Match up!"
"This was fun!"
"Thanks for helping us play more!"
We invite you to join the program and give it a try!

Sessions led by
Tom Mastromarino
Designed for adults who are interested in learning the game
Wednesdays 6pm-7pm
Apr 2 | Apr 9 | Apr 16 | Apr 23 | Apr 30 | May 7 (FULL)
See More Series Dates Here!
*NEW! Additional series offering added to Sundays 9am
Mar 30 | Apr 6 | Apr 13 | Apr 27 | May 4
By popular demand, we are continuing our New to Tennis Adult Series!
Interested in learning tennis but never know how to get started? This 6-week series is the perfect option for you! Our New to Tennis Series is designed for adults that are just learning the game. Led by our pro, Tom Mastromarino, this series will break down tennis into manageable pieces, so you can walk away with the basics!
*Optional add-on for a brand new racquet when you register!
Cost with racquet: $219
Cost of just the 6-week series: $120

“Having so much fun! Started with the New to Tennis series and participated in a couple of the special events they offer. I’ve been so impressed by the welcoming nature, enthusiasm and attention of the coaching staff. And it’s been great meeting so many new people who are as excited about tennis as I am. I’m hooked!
-Heather B.
Tennis Level 2
Mondays 7:30pm-9pm
The perfect next progression following our New to Tennis Series!
The 6-week Tennis Level 2 Series continues to offer instruction on technique while beginning to emphasize live ball, point play, and matchplay practice. This program has more courts dedicated to it, which means players will spread out for point play!
$180/person. No membership required. No guest fees.
TO REGISTER, click a date series below: