200 Running Pump Road, Lancaster, PA 17603 | (717)-299-5631 | frontdesk@rcwathleticclub.com
Jack's Pro Background
Jack was born and raised in Lancaster where he attended Conestoga Valley High School. He began playing tennis at the age of 12, when his love and passion for the game grew fast and furious. At the age of 19, Jack starting teaching tennis in the National Junior Tennis League in inner city Lancaster. A couple years later, desperately wanting to improve his own skills, Jack approached a young George Zink at the Red Rose Closed Tournament at Lancaster Tennis & Yacht Club after one of George’s matches. The friendship started there and has lasted nearly 30 years. Jack first helped George with his weekly clinics for his national level junior players at Hempfield Sports Complex, which led to Jack take a full-time position at that club. A few years later, George and Jack teamed up to run ZinkBippus summer camps at various locations around Lancaster County.
Through the years, Jack had the fortune of developing both his teaching and business skills from many of the industry’s best tennis professional who just happen to live in Lancaster. In 2010, Jack moved to Pittsburgh to take a job as Tennis Director of a club there. Five years later, in 2015, he moved to Charlotte, NC and continued to grow his director skills at Prosperity Athletic Club, owed by Jeremy Speicher from Reading, PA. Through the years, Jack has taught players of all levels and ages at various clubs and programs throughout Lancaster County. Jack also coached both the Lancaster Catholic and McCaskey boys and girls high school teams for four years each.
Over 30 years one thing has remained constant, Jack’s love for helping anyone develop into a better player and grow their love for the game. He is excited to return home to where it all started and help grow and already thriving tennis community in Lancaster.
See What Others are Saying about Working with Jack:
“Jack is an enthusiastic and friendly tennis pro who we have had the pleasure of having as our mixed doubles team practice coach. He tailors practices to our level of ability and we learn important strategies and skills each night. He keeps things lighthearted and fun- we look forward to his practice each week!”
-Chrissy E.

“Jack has been great to work with. He uses creative drills and games that teach both skills and strategy. He brings a ton of positive energy and encouragement to every session.”
-Matt E.